Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Programme abc

dear abc
i am a permanent viever of *channel name*.i like *channel name*s educational proggrame,newses ingluding
headlines,*abc*,*programme 1*,*programme 2*,*programme 3*,*programme 4* live
phoning proggrame, etc..this is my second consicutive mails for the same need.that is to inglude the information
about the proggrames that you broadcaste in the malayalam channel in the proggrame tommorrows programe.why
you dont ready to do so?you are already inglude in that proggrame the information about the proggrames that
broadcaste in varies air channels.if you transfer to delhi we can viev outomaticaly the programmes that broadcasting
in the malayalam channal.i think you shall include it before the cricate mach began.it is more usefull to your vievers

Personal message to abc

Hello abc
I am your old classmate,xyz,during B.A.& M.A.classes at the *College Name*,*Place*.Do you remember
me?I saw you on telly this evening which prompted me to contact you & I don't know if it is improper to use this
mailbox.However,I decided to try & hence this mail.Do send me a reply when you have the time.Hoping to hear from
you soon.
Best wishes from your classmate during '73--'78

*Programme name*

hai *programme name*

IAt first time I write a letter to any program.I am forced to write this letter
because of a program '*Programme 1'..Now a days it highly irritating us because it dont have a base
story.This serial  has no idea about its progressor  how to end it.the dead character come  back just for expanding
the serial.We are expecting the character *name* come back just for  extending the serial.The only people watch
this serial who dont have cable connection.It is a very sad thing that this type of serial is telecasting on *channel name*'s
prime time.So please inform the director about this situation make him convince that people are waiting for a change
and new thrilling incidents.
                               One more thing that you can extend the time for *Programme 2*  by changing the
'*Programme 3*' to *day 1* or *day 2*. Thus you can stop playing the  repeated songs in *Programme 4* and
gain more time for *Programme 3*.Please consider my request
                                                                     yours lovingly
